On cold weather workouts

We asked our alignment expert, Lauren Roxburgh to provide some inspiration for getting outside and moving as the mercury drops.

Are you yearning for some movement motivation during the chilly winter months? Colder days and longer nights make it more challenging to spring out of bed and get your body moving. But there are simple ways to feel inspired when it’s freezing outside, and there’s a growing amount of evidence that getting moving in colder temperatures can burn more calories and flush fat, making our workouts more effective.

And as we head into the more wintry months and darker days, it’s easy to feel a lower vibrational mood, but this is exactly when we need to get moving. Working out in the cold weather boosts our moods by stimulating endorphins which leaves us with a sense of joy and lightness post-workout.

And with so much time indoors, getting outside is key. Not only for a hearty dose of Vitamin D for tissues, organs and bones, but moving in nature is also crucial for our mental health. Furthermore, getting some natural light daily improves our circadian rhythms aka our natural sleep / wake cycle.

So, what are my winter workout go-tos? My Aligned Life Studio for Pilates, Sculpting, Body Rolling & Rebounding and some good long walks outside.