Falling in Love Starts With Loving Yourself

This time of year often focuses on romance, but our Yoga/Integrative Therapy expert Colleen Yee knows that loving yourself is even more important.

The first step to self-love is to believe that you deserve it. We need to realize the importance of loving one’s self and what a positive role it plays in all of our relationships, from our family to our friends and colleagues.


Here are 5 tools to help you see who you are and to fall in love.


1. Write a love letter to yourself as if you were writing to someone that you admire – that person is you! Write down everything that you love about yourself.

2. Notice every time that you compare yourself to others. This is the first step to changing that internal rhetoric.


3. Take care of your body by moving it, feeding it, hydrating it, and resting it. Show your physical being love. Don’t beat it up with extremes of any kind. Your body is a beautiful vehicle that you are so fortunate to be able to experience the world with.

4. Set aside “me” time – whatever that means to you – a long bath, a book, a walk, a yoga class, a quiet cup of tea, listening to music, etc.


5. Release pressure by allowing yourself to cry, dance, sing, and laugh (and laugh and laugh). Enjoy this wondrous miracle of being human.

Know that you are enough and deserve to be loved. Start by loving yourself – it is contagious.