Sarah Wragge Wellness

Holistic Nutritionists

Founded by holistic nutritionists Erin Parekh and Sarah Wragge, Sarah Wragge Wellness offers group coaching programs and plant-based whole food cleanses rooted in nutrition science; leveled up with simple, yet impactful lifestyle practices. Our mission? We want women to feel nurtured, empowered, centered, and inspired by their daily habits and food choices. Together, let’s release the overwhelm and finally understand what works best for our unique bodies, minds, and lifestyles.

On living the Sarah Wragge Wellness lifestyle

At Sarah Wragge Wellness, we believe you should equally nourish both your body and soul. As modern women who are always on the move, that’s not always easy. The good news? Finding a flow that works for you in the midst of everyday life is key.

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On the non-negotiables to nourish your body

From eating greens first thing in the morning to a mindful movement practice, what’s the secret to staying fit? Two words: healthy habits. With nutrition in mind, you can stay at the top of your game this season. 

On the right foods for sun protection

Fun fact: upgrading your grocery list can help protect your skin in the summer sun. Add plenty of leafy greens, berries, watermelon, carrots, and wild salmon to your diet for an extra layer of SPF.


“Our philosophy is rooted in filling your plate with 80% plant-based foods. This ensures you’re feeding your cells with all the nutrients they need to thrive.

FROM US TO YOU Erin + Sarah’s Picks

Our favorite ways to embrace your inner homebody.