How to Be Productive at Home

We turned to our Meditation expert, Suze Yalof Schwartz, to learn how to stay focused and work through that to-do list.

Home is our sanctuary, especially in uncertain times. Here’s how to make the most of your time at home.


Trim the TV time. The average American watches TV for more than 4 hours each day. Think of what you could do with that time! TV is a fun escape, but most of us could stand to majorly cut down our screentime. 

Focus on just one thing. Ignore the temptation of multitasking in favor of doing just one thing at a time. Pretty soon you’ll find that you’re ending each day with more things accomplished – and you’ll be less overwhelmed in the process.


Remember that how you do anything is how you do everything. This mantra shapes my habits at home. My meditation routine, meal prep routine, and even how I approach my work all come back to this idea. If I let one thing slide because I’m feeling unmotivated, I’m more likely to do the same with every other positive habit. 

Meditate and set an intention first thing in the morning. Intention meditation provides a peaceful moment to decide what you’d like to achieve that day and visualize it. Every morning, I set an intention using the Unplug app to start my day with purpose and focus