How Meditation Rewires Your Brain

We learned from founder of Unplug Meditation, Suze Yalof Schwartz, how meditation goes beyond controlled breathing.

As neuroscientist Sara Lazar shares in her amazing TED Talk (which I totally recommend you watch), meditation can actually change our brains to make us more empathetic, more resilient, and better at remembering things. Along with these benefits, here are a few reasons to make meditation part of your daily routine: 

You’ll find more time. Meditation helps you slow down throughout your day. Contrary to popular belief, when you move slower, you have more time. 

Stress management is easier. A simple solution to everyday stressors is getting back into the moment. With regular meditation, you’ll start to notice the difference between when you’re truly present in your day and when you’re not. One of my favorite meditations on the Unplug app, “When You’re Completely Overwhelmed,” is my go-to for keeping calm in the chaos of my work day.

Say goodbye to secondhand stress. Research has shown us that long-term stress can have negative health effects, so it’s the last thing we want to share with others. Meditation can help you ward off secondhand stress from those around you, and can prevent you from projecting your own stress onto the people you care about. 

You’ll feel less reactive. When you spend your energy reacting to things outside of your control, instead of proactively deciding how you want your day to go, you’re more likely to feel anxious and unhappy. Starting your morning with dedicated meditation time gives you the chance to experience your day the way you want it to happen instead of reacting to whatever comes up.

You’ll notice unhealthy thoughts. We all have an inner voice that likes to insert negative thoughts into our minds. Meditation practice can help you notice these thoughts before they’ve had the chance to ruin your day, and to recognize them for what they are.