Basic Beauty Commandments

Beauty expert Val Monroe can sum up the key to beauty in just a handful of steps.

When it comes to my beauty routine, I’m all about the two commandments.


The first is Keep It Simple.


I don’t believe you need to follow a complicated regimen or spend a fortune on products to have great skin. Cleanse, treat, and protect. That’s it. 


In case you need a brief refresher:

●     Wash with a nonsoap cleanser to keep the skin barrier intact.

●     Moisturize to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

●     Wear sunscreen to protect from UVA/UVB damage.

My second commandment? Be Kind.


Studies show that people who are regarded as kind are also perceived as more attractive. I realized a long time ago that I couldn’t be wholeheartedly kind to others until I learned how to be kind to myself. So, when I look in the mirror at the start of the day, rather than scanning my face for flaws or signs of aging (and at 70, these are inevitable), I instead look into my own eyes – just long enough to be able see the person who lives there. It feels uncomfortable at first, but if you keep at it, you’ll discover that feeling beautiful is way more about loving who you are than loving how you look.


Be kind. Be patient. Be well!