3 Quick Meditations for Busy People

When there aren’t enough minutes in the day, it can be hard to press pause and stay grounded. Lucky for us, meditation expert Suze Yalof Schwartz has a few sessions to try while you’re on the move.

Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time. Some meditation sessions can be effective in under a minute! Here are some of my favorites for busy days:

Box Breathing

This quick and simple meditation can calm you down in just 16 seconds. Seriously! To try it, inhale for 4 seconds, hold 4 for seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, and then hold for 4 seconds. Repeat as many times as you want. That’s it! Unplug teacher Davidji’s box breathing session is one of my favorite offerings on the Unplug app.

Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude instantly flips your emotional switch from negative to positive. If you need to shift out of a sad, toxic, or frustrated mood, try this. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and visualize three people or things you’re grateful for. These can be big or small. Some days, I think of big things I’m thankful for, like the health of my kids. Other days, I focus on tiny joys, like my morning cup of coffee. It all counts! When you’re done, open your eyes and enjoy your elevated mood.

Espresso Meditation

I love this meditation by Unplug teacher Johnny O’Callaghan for a jolt of calm. If you need to snap into your center quickly, try this one. Start by taking seven slow breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose. Then, take seven more slow breaths, this time inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take another seven slow breaths, and this time inhale through your mouth and exhale through your mouth. Your energy will shift in a snap!